Elisabetta Chiarini
- Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari
- SSD: AGR/16 - microbiologia agraria

- Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari - DISAFA
Curriculum vitae

Temi di ricerca
Over the last few years, Arcobacter spp. has been identified as a zoonotic pathogen worldwide, and the International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF) has classified it as a serious hazard to human health. The species of greatest importance are Arcobacter butzleri, Arcobacter cryaerophilus, Arcobacter skirrowii and Arcobacter thereius as they are often associated with clinical conditions. The ingestion of contaminated food or water is considered the most likely route of transmission of these bacteria to humans. Arcobacter spp. has been isolated mainly from the food products: chicken meat, redmeats (pork, beef and lamb), raw milk, seafood and vegetables. Considering the above mentioned aspects of Arcobacter spp., it is essential to increase the knowledge of its pathogenicity in view of the high human exposure. This project aims to characterise the virulence of A. butzleri isolates from broiler carcasses and slaughterhouses surfaces . Physiologicaltests will be carried out. These will focus on antibiotic resistance, cellular colonisation capacity, biofilm formation and disinfectant resistance. The genome analysis will be used to identify genes associated with antibiotic resistance and virulence, to study the pangenome and to conduct an analysis of average nucleotide identity (ANI) and SNPs. Therefore, considering the risk to the population, the purpose of the project is to delineate and obtain a sector specific risk assessment related to thepresence of Arcobacter spp. in poultry supply chain. The results obtained will be useful in determining the correct procedure for eliminating the pathogen from food plants.