Octavian Puiu Chiriac
- SSD: AGR/02 - agronomia e coltivazioni erbacee
- Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari - DISAFA
- Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie - DSV
Curriculum vitae
Prodotti della ricerca selezionati
The objective of this PhD project is to develop scientifically proven algorithms to be incorporated into a Decision Support System to calculate a fertilisation management plan, integrated with a carbon balance tool. The study will focus on cereal crop systems and will consist of the following workflow:
1) During the first year, the long-term dynamics of N mineralisation from soil organic matter (SOM) and its relationship to climate and soil variables will be studied. This will be done by examining different climatic and soil variables and their effect on the interannual variation of mineralised N, using data from a long-term experiment (LTE) located in NW Italy.
2) During the second year, the spatial variability of N mineralisation from SOM during the growing season of the crop will be studied. This objective will be pursued through the collection and analysis of data from a field experiment that applies precision agriculture in central Denmark.
3) During the third year, the uncertainty of the annual nitrogen mass balance will be quantified. This will be done by analysing data from an LTE located in NW Italy
Temi di ricerca
Analysis and development of algorithms to calculate the nutrient requirement in various cropping systems.
Attività in agenda