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ROCKtheALPS - Harmonised ROCKfall natural risk and protection forest mapping in the ALPine Space

Programma di ricerca
INTERREG - Alpine Space
01/11/2016 - 31/10/2019
Renzo Motta

Partecipanti al progetto

Descrizione del progetto

In natural hazard management and disaster risk reduction worldwide, but especially in the Alpine Space , forests are increasingly considered equal to technical or civil engineering measures. Forests can, e.g. lead to increase slope stability and reduce the risk to an acceptable level in many locations. Where forests are present, the implementations of technical measures for risk reduction are often redundant or cheaper. Beautiful examples are the numerous forests throughout the Alps that prevent the release of snow avalanches instead of expensive snow racks and the large scale afforestation in the late 19th century that nowadays prevent upslope erosion and sedimentation problems in the lower parts of the Alpine catchments. The preservation and enhancement of the protective role of forests against natural risks are key to an efficient strategy for strengthening the liveability of the AS. The 6 Pan EU Ministerial Conferences on the Protection of Forest held since 1990, have all stressed the need for a common approach to value Forest Ecosystem Services (FES) as a basis for developing a Sustainable Forest Management.

Priorisation of FES has to be done on the basis of societal needs. Although it is widely recognised that reduction of natural hazard risks is one of these, harmonised methods mapping this FES are currently not available. Within this context, ROCKtheALPS will capitalise the knowledge gained in previous EU projects and fulfil its main objectives to provide the 1st AS regional rockfall risk zoning tool, as well as the 1st AS wide harmonised map of rockfall risk and protection forests, these innovative maps will contribute to enhance action 8 of EUSALP (improving risk management), and the action 5 of Europe 2020 biodiversity strategy (FES mapping/valuing).These outputs will support local/regional/national/EU governance authorities in risk prevention/forest management. An interdisciplinary/transnational partnership has been set up with a 1.86 M€ ERDF budget.

Total eligible costs: 2.184.523 EUR; ERDF grant: 1.856.844 EUR.


  • IRSTEA - National research institute of science and technology for environment and agriculture, Grenoble regional centre
  • BRGM - French Geological Survey, Regional directorate of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
  • Alp'Géorisques
  • SFS - Slovenian Forest Service
  • UL - University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department for Forestry and Renewable Resources
  • SFI - Slovenian Forestry Institute, Department of Forest and Landscape Planning and Monitoring
  • TESAF - University of Padova, Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry
  • DISAFA - University of Turin, Department of Agricoltural, Forest and Food Sciences
  • ERSAF - Regional Agency for Services in Agriculture and Forest Lombardia Region, Department knowledge and development of innovation in AgroForestry
  • PAT-SFF - Autonomous Province of Trento, Forest and Wildlife Department
  • POLITO - Politecnico di Torino, DIATI – Department of Territory, Land and infrastructure Engineering
  • BFW - Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape – Department of Natural Hazards, Unit for Water Balance in Alpine Catchments
  • BMLFUW - Austrian Federal Ministery of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management – Forest Department (FD) section III/4
  • LWF - Bavarian State Institute of Forestry, Department of silviculture and mountain forest
  • BFH - HAFL - Bern University of Applied Sciences / HAFL, Department of Forest Sciences
Ultimo aggiornamento: 27/09/2019 17:19
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